A whiny emo poem.

I'm so sick of the boring, mundane life I live in. I'm so bored or everything. My school, my friends, my family and even myself. I have lived this stationary, unmoving life for 14 years; it's digusts me. I want someone to happen, I want to be put in a horrible, painful life or death situation so if I survive I would learn to appreciate the life I live and the world I live in. Or if I die then I will be freed from this unending cycle of misery and emptiness and then proceed to exist (or nonexist) in the afterlife.
But that won't happen. None of what I said will happen. No matter how much I cry, no matter how much I scream or whine or sulk, this pain will never end and I'll suffer for all of eternity.
Life is simply unfair? Don't you think?